BNSP Chair Emphasizes the Importance of Human Resource Quality at the 2024 IASPRO National Gathering

BNSP Chair Emphasizes the Importance of Human Resource Quality at the 2024 IASPRO National Gathering – Graha Nandhika witnessed the 2024 IASPRO National Gathering which took place on Saturday, 18 May 2024, from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB, Jakarta (18/5/24).

This event carries the theme “Assessor Professionalism in Improving the Quality of Assessments for Acceptance in the Business World and Work Industry World.”

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This event presents a series of interesting activities, including Halal Bi Halal, talk shows and exhibitions.

Participants from various groups, ranging from competency assessors, both members and non-members of IASPRO, to the general public such as academics, instructors, professionals, industrial practitioners, and administrators of Professional Certification Institutions (LSP), participated in this event.

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Well-known speakers such as the Chair of the National Professional Certification Agency, Syamsi Hari, S.E., M.M., and Iwan Setiawan, Ph.D.CFE., Chair of the West Java IASPRO DPW, made important contributions.

Ir. Subrono from PT Denso Indonesia and Junaidi S.Par., S.M., an AI Specialist Assessor, also enriched the discussion with perspectives from the industrial world and technological developments.

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This event was held at Graha Nandhika, Jakarta, with a hybrid format that allowed participants from various regions to join virtually via the Zoom platform.

Chairman of BNSP, Syamsi Hari, emphasized the importance of the quality of Human Resources (HR) in supporting industrial growth as the main motor of the national economy.

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In his speech, he said, “Entering the era of industrial revolution 4.0, we must quickly adapt to rapid technological developments.

This is important to ensure that our human resources are competent and master technology.” Syamsi Hari also projects that by 2030 23 million new jobs will be created that require the mastery of new skills and competencies.

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Therefore, a futuristic scheme is needed that can anticipate technological developments and industrial trends.

“Collaboration and synergy between the three main pillars, namely industry, educational institutions and LSP, are very important to create superior human resources,” he added.

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The event moderator, Mangun Winata, S.Sos., Secretary of DPW IASPRO Banten, ensured that the discussion remained focused and gave all participants the opportunity to participate actively.

Technology is utilized by adopting a hybrid format, allowing participants from various regions to join virtually via the Zoom platform.

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The 2024 IASPRO National Gathering is an important momentum in uniting competency assessors to continue to improve their professionalism for better assessment quality, so that they can support acceptance from the business world and the work industry.


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