Jokowi Appoints New Head of BNN, Fellow of the Faith and Contemporary of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit

Jokowi Appoints New Head of BNN, Fellow of the Faith and Contemporary of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit

Head of BNN chosen by Jokowi –– Jokowi Appoints New Head of BNN, Fellow of the Faith and Contemporary of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit

The commander of Densus 88, who is among the richest police officers in Indonesia, has suddenly beaten the names on the “radar” as police officers in the criteria for appointing and dismissing the Head of BNN.

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In theory, the requirements for the Head of BNN must be in accordance with Law number 35 of 2009 paragraph 69 e, namely experience in the field of investigation (5 years) and narcotics (2 years), and a maximum age of 56 years.

Jokowi appointed Inspector General Pol Marthinus Hukom SIK MSi as Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), replacing Komjen Petrus Golose, who is entering retirement.

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“Apparently the President is prioritizing officers who have moral integrity and a good reputation, as prerequisites for Head of BNN,” said a release from the RIDMA Foundation, a drug prevention NGO. “He served at BNN when he was Head of BNN Gories Mere,” continued Asri Hadi, an anti-drug activist, since Bakolak Presidential Instruction 71.

What’s interesting, in RIDMA’s records, Martinus is a police figure who likes to wear civilian clothes. Never stiff in the movements of the uniformed police unit. Marthinus Hukom, Akpol 91, born in Ameth, Nusalaut, Central Maluku, Maluku, on January 30 1969, was actually known and skilled as an anti-terrorism police officer.

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Martinus is recorded as having been the Head of the Anti-Terror Bombing Team at Polda Metro Jaya (2001-2002), Intelligence Analyst for the National Police’s Anti-Terror Task Force (2002-2015), and the BNN RI Expert Group for Intelligence (2010-2012). His career became even more brilliant after he was appointed Head of Intelligence for Densus 88 AT Polri in 2010.

In 2015, he was appointed Wakadensus 88 AT Polri. Then, Marthinus was transferred to become Director of Law Enforcement Deputy for Enforcement and Capacity Building of the BNPT RI in 2016. In 2018, he was again entrusted to serve as Deputy Chief of Police 88 AT Police.

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After that, Inspector General Marhinus Hukom was appointed Kadensus 88 AT Polri in 2020. With Chief of Police Listyo Sigit, Martinus was a fellow graduate of the 1991 Police Academy class of the Bhara Daksa Battalion.

While carrying out his duties, Marthinus was known to be firm and did not look at religious background in cracking down on terrorists. This is in accordance with the remarks he made at the DPR Commission III Hearing Meeting (RDP) on March 21 2022.

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According to Marthinus, acts of terrorism are not tied to a particular religion. So that anyone who commits an act of terror will be prosecuted regardless of religious background. It is commonplace that the Islamic religion is always associated with acts of terrorism that occur. Therefore, the head of Densus 88 explained that the perpetrators of terrorism were not only Muslims.

Previously, Special Detachment 88 or Densus 88 was a special unit of the Indonesian National Police for countering terrorism in Indonesia. This Special Forces is designed as an anti-terrorist unit that has the ability to deal with terrorist disturbances ranging from bomb threats to hostage taking.

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Densus 88 began to become a unit after the National Police Chief’s Decree No. 30/VI/2003 concerning the formation of Densus 88 by the then National Police Chief, General Da’i Bachtiar. Then it was inaugurated by the Chief of Police for the Metro Jaya Region, Inspector General Firman Gani, on August 26 2004

Marthinus Hukom’s assets are almost IDR 17 billion

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Based on LHKPN data submitted as of February 28 2023 and announced on the KPK website, Marthinus Hukom’s total assets reached IDR 16,817,716,364 or almost IDR 17 billion.

Most of Marthinus’ assets are in the form of land and buildings, totaling IDR 12.6 billion. In total there are seven lands and buildings spread across Bogor, Ambon and Poso.

Marthinus has transportation and machinery in the form of a 2022 Toyota Rush car worth IDR 300 million. He also has other movable assets worth IDR 26 million, securities worth IDR 3 billion, and cash and cash equivalents worth IDR 891,716,364.

Marthinus is recorded as having no debt so his total assets are worth IDR 16,817,716,364.


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