Buffer Areas of IKN Hope for Development Programs from State Budget

Buffer Areas of IKN Hope for Development Programs from State Budget
REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GOVERNOR: Sekkab Kukar Sunggono on the cross-sector report in the framework of the discussion of raperkada related to RDTR

TheIKNPost.com – The Secretary of Kukar Regency (Sekkab) Sunggono delivered the presentation of Regent Edi Damansyah at the Coordination Meeting (Rakor) across sectors in the framework of discussing the draft regional head regulation (raperkada) related to detailed spatial planning (RDTR) at the Grand Sheraton Hotel Jakarta, Wednesday (20/3).

The discussion of RDTR covers the Planning Areas (WP) of Jonggon and the Sangasanga–Muara Jawa Corridor WP. In this opportunity, the Urban Planning Area Tiru of West Seram Regency was also discussed.

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The Rakor was attended by the Chief Expert of Spatial Planning ATR/BPN Abdul Kamarzuki, Acting Regent of West Seram, Andi Candra Ansanudin, and Chairman of Kukar DPRD Abdul Rasid.

Sunggono in his presentation mentioned that WP Jonggon is an agricultural center served by the urban area of Loa Kulu (as a PKL) to the east and the urban area of Kota Bangun (as a PPK) to the west. Meanwhile, with the Nusantara Capital Region (IKN), WP Jonggon is connected by a primary local road with its nearest area, namely the North IKN WP.

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The distance from the center of WP Jonggon to the capital of Kutai Kartanegara Regency (Tenggarong) is about 67 km, to Samarinda City about 94 km, while to the nearest IKN area (North IKN WP) is the North IKN WP.

“The purpose of organizing WP Jonggon is to realize WP Jonggon as an IKN partner based on agro-industry and competitive and sustainable educational areas,” he said.

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Meanwhile, for the Sangasanga–Muara Jawa Corridor WP, he added, WP Sangasanga as a regional service center (PPK) functions to serve its surrounding areas. The nearest urban area to WP Sangasanga includes PPK Anggana and PPK Loa Janan.

Regarding the IKN area, WP Sangasanga is connected by a primary collector road with its nearest area, namely WP Muara Jawa. WP Sangasanga is also directly connected by a primary collector road network to the National Activity Center (PKN) of Samarinda City.

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Sunggono revealed the purpose of organizing the Sangasanga–Muara Jawa Corridor WP is to realize a reliable partner area of the national capital (IKN) based on the development of agro-industry, tourism, trade, and resilient and sustainable services.

Sunggono also explained the purpose of spatial planning for Kukar Regency based on article 5 in the Kukar RTRW Regulation Number 7 of 2023, which is to realize a reliable IKN partner area and integrated development distribution throughout the region, based on flagship areas by developing the industrial, agricultural, fisheries, tourism, trade, and environmentally friendly services sectors.

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Considering that Kukar Regency is a buffer area/partner of IKN, Sunggono hopes that other planning areas that already have RDTR documents can become a priority for acceleration from the Ministry of ATR/BPN and be designated as local regulations. This will certainly accelerate the investment climate in Kukar.

Also accompanying Sekkab Sunggono in the meeting were the Assistant for Governance and Social Affairs of Kukar Akhmad Taufik Hidayat, Head of Public Works Agency Wiyono, Head of Environmental Agency Slamet Hadiraharja, and representatives of related agencies.

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