Editorial Team
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: S.S Budi Rahardjo
Editor-in-Chief: (5773/IISIP Jakarta/WU/DP/IX/2014/07/09/68)
Company Leader: Benny S Butarbutar
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ballian Siregar (2607-PWI/WU/DP/II/2018/07/04/70)
Executive Editor: Abdul Kholis, Ahmad CH
Special Editors: Nurul Irfan, Gde Hariwangsa, Rina Latuperisa, Enok Titin
Reporter Coordinator: Idris Daulat
Artistic/Visual/IT: Eko Indriyanto
Editorial Secretariat: Santi Marantina
Editorial Board: Sunoto, Ilong, Ita, Hadi, Made, Koeswondo, Slamet Widodo
Reporting Coordinator: Elis Yuningsih
Photography: Karyoto, M Naufal Al Kahfi
Advertising: Fahrina, Ryandira, Hadi
Contributors: Executive Magazine Network and magazines affiliated with across Indonesia
Legal Advisors: Wina Armada, SH, Rien Uthami, SH, Pius Anggara SH.
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