2024 Election Success Recapitulation: Bangkalan Carves a History of Smooth and Peaceful Democracy

TheIKNPost.com — The Series of Recapitulation of Vote Counting Results in the 2024 Election (Pilpres, DPD-RI and District-Level DPRD, Provincial DPR and RI DPR are complete. It ran safely, smoothly and conducively.

“Thank you to the entire Bangkalan family for the successful implementation of the general elections which ran smoothly, orderly, peacefully and harmoniously,” said Arif M Edie as Acting Regent of Bangkalan.

Arief received a report on Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 00.15 that Bangkalan Regency had completed the recapitulation of vote counting results in the 2024 elections.

Several recount or re-election issues proceeded peacefully.

The series of recapitulation of vote counting results for the elections for president, members of the DPD, district DPRD, provincial DPR and DPR RI have been completed in conducive conditions.

Arief M Edie Acting Regent of Bangkalan expressed his sincere appreciation to all parties who have participated in the successful implementation of the election and ensuring the smooth running of the democratic process in Bangkalan.

“We hope that the results of this election will bring progress and prosperity to the people of Bangkalan and strengthen the foundations of democracy in this region,” said the man born February 10 1967, former Head of the Legal Administration, Personnel and Public Relations Bureau of the Institute for Domestic Government (IPDN). .

On September 24 2023, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa appointed Arief Moelia Edie as Acting Regent of Bangkalan.

Arief Moelia Edie was once the Director of the Civil Service Police (Pol PP), he also served as Head of the Information Center (Kapuspen) of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Bangkalan Carves a History of Smooth and Peaceful Democracy, Click this

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