BNSP: Information Systems Implementation Training Encourages LSP PD Skills

BNSP: Information Systems Implementation Training Encourages LSP PD Skills – Taking place at the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) building, training on the implementation of the BNSP information system for Professional Certification Institutions (LSP) for Domestic Workers (PD) was held seriously, Jakarta (23/4/24).

Opened by the Deputy Chair of BNSP, Ulfah Masfufah, the event was also attended by commissioners Miftahul Azis and NS. Aji Martono.

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A total of 15 PD LSPs from various cities have participated in this full day training.

The main objective of this activity is to introduce and implement the new information system developed by BNSP to LSP.

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It is hoped that this step will make it easier for LSPs to optimize their performance in the future.

In the opening ceremony, Deputy Chair of BNSP, Ulfah Masfufah, emphasized the importance of applying information technology in improving the efficiency and quality of LSP services.

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“With an integrated information system, it is hoped that LSPs can make disclosures more effectively and transparently,” he said.

The training participants seemed enthusiastic about participating in each session held.

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They learned about the various features and functions of the new BNSP information system, as well as how to use them in daily activities at their respective LSPs.

“We hope that with a deep understanding of this information system, LSP PD can provide better services to the community and support increasing the competency of domestic workers in Indonesia,” said one of the training participants.

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Training on the implementation of the BNSP information system for LSP PD is an important first step in improving the quality and professionalism of professional certification services in Indonesia.

With support from BNSP, it is hoped that LSP PD can continue to develop and make a positive contribution to the domestic world of work.

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