Don’t get bored of being a good person and continuing to do good to others

Don’t get bored of being a good person and continuing to do good to others – On the edge of life, sometimes we are faced with events that test our maturity and wisdom.

Not infrequently, we realize that wisdom does not always accompany a person’s age. There are those who have been around for decades but are still trapped in bad behavior and embarrassing decisions.

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Behind it all, there are also those who are still young, have not yet sailed through many oceans of experience, but are able to solve problems wisely when trials come their way.

They show that wisdom is not the exclusive right of those who have passed many years on this earth.

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As time goes by, every individual will experience trials and difficulties. Difficult and down times are not unfamiliar to anyone.

Did you know, in the shadows of difficulties, there is wisdom and words of wisdom that illuminate the dark steps we take.

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“It’s a waste to get caught up in regrets about the past. It’s better for us to reflect on the things that we won’t be able to change in the future.”

In times of tension and fatigue, a smile remains a powerful weapon. Our simple smile can be contagious to others, erase wounds, and strengthen fragile hearts.

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“Smile, because with your smile, many other people will smile just like you.”

In the midst of busy schedules, don’t get tired of remaining a good person and doing good to others. The goodness we sow will grow into the goodness we will reap one day.

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“Don’t get bored of being a good person and continue to do good to others.”

These stories of wisdom and words of wisdom are not just symbols of platitudes. They are a call from the heart that inspires us to stand tall even though the storm hits, to keep smiling even though our hearts are cut, and to keep doing good even though the world feels cold and cruel.

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Healthy greetings from,

SS Budi Rahardjo MM

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