Soekarno Peci Auction Ahead of Eid

Soekarno Peci Auction Ahead of Eid –– The First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno, has a number of interesting stories ahead of Eid al-Fitr. Even though he was President, Bung Karno was no different from ordinary people when facing Eid.

Approaching Eid, the Proclaimer met former Minister of Foreign Affairs DR. Roeslan Abdulgani to find money.

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“Dude, tilpuno Anang Thayib. Kondo’o grandma, I’m not duwe dhuwik,” said Bung Karno… (Dude, call Anang Thayib. Tell him I don’t have money…)

Anang is Roeslan’s nephew, lives in Gresik, and is an entrepreneur of the Kuda Mas brand of peci (coffee) which was often worn by Soekarno.

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“Give me one of your used caps. “I will put it up for auction,” said Roeslan Abdulgani.

“How much can it sell, bro…?” Soekarno asked.

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Wis ta laa, it’s up to me about this. The important thing is to get it right,said Roeslan. (Never mind, just leave that matter to me. The important thing is that it’s done).

Roeslan then handed Anang a peci that was used by Soekarno.

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Roeslan was surprised that there were so many auction participants, all of them businessmen from Gresik and Surabaya. But what really surprised him was that Anang was auctioning off three caps.

“Brothers,” said Anang. “Actually, only one peci was ever worn by Bung Karno. But I no longer know which one was originally from Bung Karno. The important thing is whether you are sincere or not…?”

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“Sincere..!!!” exclaimed the enthusiastic auction participants.

“Thank God,” said Anang.

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Bung Karno’s Zakat Fitrah

In a short time, ten million rupiah was collected. (at that time it was very valuable). Anang immediately handed over all the money to Roeslan.

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“Hey… Asline lak siji se,” said Roeslan. (There’s only one original, right…?)

“Yeah. “Actually, I will give the other two caps to Bung Karno,” said Anang.

“But how come those two caps are ugly…??”

“I deliberately made it ugly. “I spit on it, I wet it, I put oil on it, so it looks like it’s been used,” said Anang.

Koen iki is rude Nang, mbujuki wong akeh,” Roeslan acted furious. (You are impudent Nang Nang. You deceived many people).

“Grandma, don’t you talk to Dhuwik Akeh?“Anang answered easily. (If not, how could you possibly earn a lot of money).

Roeslan then handed over all the money from the auction to Soekarno.

“Dude, how come you’re so dhuwike…??” Bung Karno was shocked. (That’s a lot of money)

That’s what Anang is doing,” explained Roeslan. (That’s all Anang’s trick)

Roeslan also told how Anang doubled his peci.

“Insolent Anang..! Grandma, sing duso me or Anang..??” asked Bung Karno. (Then the sinner is me or Anang?)

“Anang…,” Roeslan answered briefly.

“What are you playing Dhuwik sakmono akehe jange, bro?asked Roeslan. (What is actually going to be used for so much money, bro..?”

“Make my Zakat Fitrah…”

Gowoen kabeh dhuwik iki nang Sunan Giri Tomb. “Dumno nang wong-wong is destitute nok kono,” said Bung Karno. (For my Zakat Fitrah. Take all this money to the Tomb of Sunan Giri. Share it with the poor people there…” answered Soekarno.

  • This story is taken from Fatmawati Sukarno’s Book of Joys and Sorrows as told to Kadjat Adrai.


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