DHF is raging, the Acting Regional Head asks residents to use anti-mosquito lotion

DHF is raging, the Acting Regional Head asks residents to use anti-mosquito lotion

JAKARTA: Cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) continue to increase in the country.

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This increase in the number of cases has prompted the issuance of instructions from a number of acting regional heads asking residents to use anti-mosquito lotion to prevent contracting dengue fever.

Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono started this appeal at the end of March to residents of the capital city.

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Heru, quoted by Suara.com, asked residents to apply anti-mosquito lotion to their children. He also appealed to children to wear long sleeves when leaving the house.

The latest data shows 1,729 dengue fever cases in Jakarta as of March 18 2024, a sharp increase compared to 627 cases on February 19 2024.

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Two officials in Banten province also said the same thing.

Acting Mayor of Tangerang Nurdin was reported by detikNews on Wednesday (3 April) to encourage the public to promote prevention by carrying out 4M efforts.

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Nurdin also emphasized the importance of using anti-mosquito lotion.

“Lotion is also an important part, one of which is prevention, what is more important is of course keeping the environment clean. Babies and small children are given long-sleeved clothes and anti-mosquito lotion,”

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In line with Nurdin, Acting Regent of Lebak Iwan Kurniawan even issued a circular regarding the movement to drain, bury and close.

Not to forget, the fight against dengue cases is carried out by fogging to kill mosquito larvae.

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Iwan added the importance of using lotion to complement the prevention efforts that have been launched.

“Lotion (anti-mosquito) is prevention at the start, when you want to sleep, doing activities outside the home, and indeed it is a good prevention that people can do,” he said.

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On the island of Sulawesi, a similar statement was made by Acting Mayor of Kendari Muhammad Yusup

Yusup asked the public to keep the environment clean and use additional precautions such as anti-mosquito lotion.

DBD Extraordinary Event Status (KLB) has been declared in several areas such as Dharmasrayam Subang, Jepara, Enrekang, West Kutai, East Lampung, and Nagekeo.


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