AGMS Decision, BTN Revamps the Composition of Commissioners and Directors

AGMS Decision, BTN Revamps the Composition of Commissioners and Directors

[bacajuga berdasarkan="category" mulaipos="2" judul="Read too : "] – The annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMS) of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BTN) approved the change in the composition of the Commissioners and Directors.

There are three new names in the ranks of the BTN management. The first is Adi Sulistyowati who was appointed as Independent Commissioner of BTN. Previously, Adi held the position of Deputy Director of BNI and recently his position was replaced by Wahju Setyawan.

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This was stated by the President Director of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BTN) Nixon LP Napitupulu at the 2023 Fiscal Year AGMS Press Conference at Menara BTN, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/3)

Nikson also said that there was Bambang Wijanarko who also held the position of Independent Commissioner. Both Adi and Bambang replaced the positions previously occupied by the late Ahdi Jumhari Luddin, who died last year, and Mohamad Yusuf Permana.

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Nixon said that the company’s new board of directors would make BTN more optimistic in continuing the transformation that had taken place previously. This is done in order to achieve the company’s vision to become The Best Mortgage Bank in Southeast Asia by 2025.

“We are optimistic that the addition of new directors and commissioners will make the company’s performance even more brilliant in realizing BTN’s vision of becoming The Best Mortgage Bank in Southeast Asia by 2025,” said Nixon.

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The following are changes to the composition of Commissioners and Directors that were approved at the BTN AGMS,

1. Adi Sulistyowati as Independent Commissioner
2. Bambang Widjanarko as Commissioner
Thus, the current composition of the BTN Board of Commissioners is as follows:
• Main Commissioner: Chandra M Hamzah
• Deputy Chief Commissioner: Iqbal Latanro
• Independent Commissioner: Armand B Arief
• Independent Commissioner: Sentot A Sentausa
• Independent Commissioner: Andin Hadiyanto
• Commissioner: Herry Trisaputra Zuna
• Commissioner : Himawan Arief Sugoto
• Independent Commissioner: Adi Sulistyowati*
• Commissioner : Bambang Widjanarko*

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Furthermore, the BTN AGMS also approved the addition of one new director position, namely by appointing:
Muhammad Iqbal as Director of SME & Retail Funding:
So, the new composition of members of the Board of Directors that has been approved by the AGMS is:
• Main Director: Nixon LP Napitupulu
• Deputy Main Director: Oni Febriarto Rahardjo
• Director of Information Technology: Andi Nirwoto
• Director of Assets Management: Elisabeth Novie Riswanti
• Director of Distribution & Institutional Funding: Jasmin
• Consumer Director: Hirwandi Gafar
• Director of Risk Management: Setiyo Wibowo
• Finance Director: Nofry Rony Poetra
• Director of Human Capital, Compliance & Legal: Eko Waluyo
• Director of Operational & Customer Experience: Hakim Putratama
• Director of SME & Retail Funding Muhammad Iqbal*

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