WWW is an abbreviation for World Wide Web, click here for clarity

WWW is an abbreviation for World Wide Web, click here for clarity

TheIKNPost.com — WWW is the abbreviation of World Wide Web.

The World Wide Web is a part of the internet that consists of pages that can be accessed via a browser.

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WWW is the largest information search service on the internet that allows users to access documents that are connected to each other.

WWW was first introduced by Tim Berners-Lee and colleagues in 1989 in Switzerland.

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They created the HTTP protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol) as a communication standard between servers and clients. In January 1992, they released a general text-based web browser.

Later, in September 1993, Marc Andreessen developed Mosaic, a web browser with improved reception speeds.

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As time goes by, web browsers continue to be developed by scientists. In late 1994, the first web browser with tabs was launched.

In 1995, Microsoft Corporation began developing internet applications for personal computers.

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They introduced Internet Explorer which became the most popular web browser.

Apple also released Safari in 2003, which is now the primary browser for Apple products. Safari version 2.0 (2005) was the first browser to have privacy features.

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Since then, several other web browsers have emerged as competitors, such as Mozilla Firefox (2004), Google Chrome (2008), and Edge (2015) which replaced Internet Explorer.

Nowadays, the use of the “www” sign in front of a website address is rarely seen.

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However, since the introduction of the WWW, the internet has continued to develop rapidly and web browsers have become increasingly popular.

By using the WWW and a web browser, users can browse the internet widely and access various information easily.

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