Trisakti and Friends for AMIN Declare a Statement of Attitude on the Results of the 2024 Presidential Election

Trisakti and Friends for AMIN Declare a Statement of Attitude on the Results of the 2024 Presidential Election

Trisakti and Friends for AMIN Declare a Statement of Attitude on the Results of the 2024 Presidential Election

Released Statement Rejecting the Vote Count Results and Demands for the Impeachment of the President of the Republic of Indonesia

We, Trisakti & Friends for AMIN, who embrace our identity as part of the Indonesian people who stand independent and have a democratic outlook, hereby wish to convey our notes and attitude regarding the course of the general election, especially the presidential election, which is still ongoing at the stage of counting the respective votes. candidate pair.

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Some important points that we want to convey are as follows:

Before the Election Begins:

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  1. Regional heads are appointed as “acting/acting” with a term of office of more than 6 months, disrupting the course of democracy.
  2. The distribution of BLT and social assistance ahead of the election, even in the midst of a pandemic, is not transparent.
  3. The President’s involvement in supporting certain candidate pairs.

During Campaign:

  1. Active involvement of several ministers in candidate pair 02 campaign.
  2. Use of state facilities in the campaign.
  3. Sudden cancellation of campaign locations for candidate pair 01 in various regions.

Post Campaign:

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  1. Voting that exceeds the TPS quota for candidate pair 02.
  2. Changing the number of votes and inflating the votes for candidate pair 02.
  3. Performers of quick counts with results that influence public perception.
  4. Technical problems and changes in voting data that benefit candidate pair 02 at the KPU.
  5. Reprimand from BAWASLU and WARNING from DKPP to KPU.

Based on this, we express our position:

  3. URGE the Indonesian people who still have a conscience and common sense to support the IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RI.

The analogy of a motorbike championship that is taking place but there is someone on the podium holding the Cup without certainty of the result is a provocative action that should be rejected.

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We, as initiators, call for solidarity from all Indonesian people who love the nation, homeland and Indonesian culture to work together to uphold true justice and democracy.

Best regards,

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Ir. Adi Sempani and Drs. Toto Wahyu Initiator – Trisakti & Friends for AMIN

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source: Trisakti and Friends For Amin Express Attitude Towards Presidential Election Results – Our Daily


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