Tips for breaking the fast healthily: starting with water, ending with carbohydrates

Tips for breaking the fast healthily: starting with water, ending with carbohydrates

After fasting all day, the first thing your body should receive is drink, as an important key to hydration. Drink one or two glasses of water, if possible mineral water. Also consider adding fruit or vegetables to a smoothie, or a scoop of protein powder, to add flavor and get some quick, healthy calories that are much needed.

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Quoting an article from CNN Indonesia, hydration during the fasting month needs to be paid attention to. The reason is, if daily fluid needs are not met, then a person could be at risk of dehydration.

Therefore, we can reduce our water intake in 2-4-2 installments, namely 2 glasses at dawn, 2 glasses when breaking the fast accompanied by eating takjil and 4 other glasses during the evening before sahur.

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2. Increase your fruit consumption


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