— Finding a business idea is an infinite blessing, because in reality it is not easy to find a business idea.
However, if your idea is just a dream, you still won’t be able to realize it in a real business.
Top entrepreneurs whose names now appear in various business media often never think about the stages in realizing an idea.
In fact, there are many people who think that if you want to be an entrepreneur, you don’t need to make any plans, you’ll end up running aground in the middle of the road.
Maybe many people make various plans, but plans are only plans, so the realization is really zero. If this happens, of course the assumption above will be correct.
In fact, in theory, no matter how small a business still requires planning to be able to realize more mature business ideas.
The purpose of creating a business plan is to ensure the proper running of business operations and give impetus to departmental or divisional plans.
Apart from that, it is also to decide the route the organization needs to achieve its goals as well as determine standards to determine business performance.
What is no less important is to gain support from consumers, investors and even other parties.
In Philip Kotler’s perspective, there are at least several standard procedures for realizing the correct business idea in the form of a business plan to realize the business.
Namely: idea generation, screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy, business analysis, product development, market testing, and commercialization.
In other words, a business plan to realize ideas is indeed very important in business.
It’s possible to get a lot of ideas brilliant and extraordinary, but still needs to be studied in various ways, especially economic, technical and future aspects.
Economic Elements
This aspect includes market analysis, sales, production costs and profit margins. This factor is very important, because it influences the level of decision to realize the idea into a real business.
This aspect will examine the extent of profits obtained, with the existing market absorption capacity and the ability to have capital to carry out business operations.
Even though the idea is extraordinary, if the calculations make a loss, then what’s the point? Therefore, you must really understand how you generate income and how much it will cost you.
Technical Elements
This aspect is very important to measure the ability to run a business well.
With existing capital, are you able to produce goods or services that can be sold?
What about human resource capabilities?
Are all the strengths they have able to provide better added value to consumers compared to other similar businesses?
A good business plan will provide better opportunities, while minimizing the possibility of business failure.
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Lead Elements
This aspect will examine the future of your business more comprehensively.
Don’t let it happen, we know that the business we are involved in is a seasonal business, but the planning implemented is for a permanent business.
This will of course disrupt technical aspects. Not to mention the expectations of consumers who will always be more advanced and up to date. Will the business we run be able to absorb a market like this?
This is an important aspect that must be considered carefully and outlined in the business plan.
Once again, don’t believe the advice that says “Forget the business plan, just run it,” because you could fall into the jungle of a business that is completely uncertain.
It is better if you test the feasibility of your business plan on people who are more successful and more experienced in business, and then you become successful.
An important key to business success is to understand business success and imitate it. Immerse yourself in entrepreneurship and business books and magazines.
Look at how para entrepreneur work, pay attention to what they say, and copy it. There is no time to reinvent the wheel of business. (**)