This is the Quick Count of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia

This is the Quick Count of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia โ€” After voting, what the public is waiting for are the Quick Count Results of the 2024 Election for the Future President and Vice President. Why?

After the voting process in the General Election, the vote counting stage becomes the main focus to determine the final results and winner.

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One of the methods used in counting votes is Quick Count. However, what exactly is Quick Count?

What is Quick Count?

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Quick Count is a fast calculation method that aims to predict election results early. This method is carried out by calculating the percentage of votes at a number of polling stations (TPS) that are sampled. Although not issued by the General Election Commission (KPU), Quick Count provides an initial picture of election results based on partial data from TPS.

Quick Count Process

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There are three main stages in the Quick Count process:

1. TPS sampling
The institutions that carry out the Quick Count take data samples from various polling stations. It is important to select a representative sample so that the final results can be accurate.

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2. Fast Calculation
Data from a sample of polling stations is calculated quickly and processed to obtain a projection of overall election results.

3. Quick Announcement
The results of the quick count are announced to the public to provide an initial picture of the election results. The Quick Count usually comes out the evening after the vote.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Quick Count

The advantage of Quick Count lies in its ability to provide projections of election results quickly, thereby providing an initial picture to the public. However, the drawback is that the results are not official and can be different from the KPU’s Real Count results.

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Quick Count results also depend greatly on how representative the sample taken is.

Significance of Quick Count in the 2024 Election

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Quick Count is an important highlight in the 2024 Election because it provides initial information to the public about the election results.

Even though it is not official, Quick Count allows the public to follow the development of voting results from the start. However, to determine the legitimate winner, the KPU’s Real Count results are the main determinant.

Supervision and Regulation

The Indonesian General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) ensures that survey institutions that carry out Quick Counts comply with the principles of integrity, transparency and independence. Legislative regulations also regulate limits for survey institutions in carrying out Quick Count activities.

Through the Quick Count process, the public can obtain initial information regarding election results quickly. However, it is important to remember that the official and valid results are still determined by the Real Count process carried out by the KPU.


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