The Isbat session will be held, Eid al-Fitr will almost certainly be April 10

The Isbat session will be held, Eid al-Fitr will almost certainly be April 10

JAKARTA: Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy, after holding a cross-sectoral coordination meeting for Operation Ketupat 2024 at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta on Monday (25 March), said that the government predicted that Eid al-Fitr would fall on April 10 2024.

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“Eid al-Fitr will almost certainly fall on April 10 2024,” said Muhadjir, quoted by

However, the date of Eid al-Fitr will still be determined through the Isbat Session which will be held by the Ministry of Religion.

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“Later, if you have any questions, please ask the deputy minister of religion,” added Muhadjir.

Deputy Minister of Religion Saiful Rahmat Dasuki said the Isbat Session would be held on Tuesday, April 9 2024.

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According to Saiful, on that date the position of the crescent moon had met the criteria set by the Ministers of Religion of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (MABIMS), namely a minimum height of the crescent moon of 3 degrees and a minimum elongation of 6.4 degrees.

Based on the 2024 Indonesian Hijri Calendar published by the Ministry of Religion, this year’s Eid al-Fitr is scheduled to fall on Wednesday, April 10 2024, and Thursday, April 11 2024.

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Because the determination of 1 Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah according to the NU and government versions is the same, there is a possibility that 1 Shawwal 1445 Hijriah or Eid al-Fitr 2024 will also fall at the same time.

Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah has determined the 2024 Eid al-Fitr holiday from the start, based on the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Declaration Number 1/MLM/I.0/E/2024 concerning the Results of the Reckoning of Ramadan, Shawwal and Zulhijah.

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If we refer to this announcement, 1 Shawwal falls on April 10 2024. This means that the Muhammadiyah version of Eid al-Fitr 2024 is expected to coincide with the government and NU version.


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