Rules for Operational Hours for Discotheques and Massage Parlors in DKI Jakarta During Ramadan, Click Here

Rules for Operational Hours for Discotheques and Massage Parlors in DKI Jakarta During Ramadan, Click Here — Entertainment industries such as discos and massage parlors are advised to respect people who are fasting. The following are the rules regarding the operating hours of discos and massage parlors in DKI Jakarta during Ramadan.

The DKI Provincial Government’s Tourism and Creative Economy Department issued Circular Letter no. e-0003/SE/2024 concerning the Implementation of Tourism Businesses during the Holy Month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1445 H/2024 AD. Business actors are asked to comply with the rules for entertainment operating hours in DKI Jakarta.

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“This regulation was made to respect the implementation of the holy month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1445 H/2024 AD,” said Head of the DKI Jakarta Disparekraf Andhika Permata in his statement, Sunday (10/3/2024).

Andhika explained that businesses included in the circular must close, namely on the day before the holy month of Ramadan, the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, the day before Eid al-Fitr or the night of takbiran, the first and second days of Eid al-Fitr, and the night of Nuzulul Qur’an. ‘an.

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Andhika explained that this provision does not apply to tourism businesses held in four and five star hotels. This rule also does not apply to night entertainment venues and discotheques which are managed together with a minimum of 4 (four) star hotel areas and commercial areas and are not close to residential areas, places of worship, schools and/or hospitals.

Andhika added that the tourism industry can still operate with several adjustments, such as executive karaoke businesses and pubs during the month of Ramadan operating from 20.30 WIB to 01.30 WIB. Meanwhile, for family karaoke, you can hold business activities from 14.00 to 02.00 WIB.

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“A billiards or billiards house can operate if it is located in the same room as an executive karaoke business and can operate from 20.30-01.30 WIB. “Meanwhile, stand-alone pool or billiard houses can operate from 11.00-24.00 WIB,” said Andhika.

“This Circular was written for the common good. “It is hoped that tourism business actors can follow the rules that have been set,” stressed Andhika.

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Complete rules for discos and massage parlors during Ramadan:

  1. Night clubs from 20.30 WIB to 01.30 WIB;
  2. Discotheque starts at 20.30 WIB until 01.30 WIB;
  3. Steam bath from 11.00 WIB to 23.00 WIB;
  4. Massage house from 11.00 WIB to 23.00 WIB;
  5. Manual, mechanical and/or electronic dexterity games arena for adults from 11.00 WIB to 01.30 WIB;
  6. Stand-alone bars/drinking houses from 11.00 WIB to 01.00 WIB; And
  7. Bars/drinking houses that support certain tourism businesses follow the provisions regarding the timing of their main business activities.


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