Regarding the alleged leak of our data in Dukcapil, click here for the answer

Regarding the alleged leak of our data in Dukcapil, click here for the answer –There is a discussion on CS Multi-Stakeholder social media, regarding the leak of 337 of our data. The data that is said to be leaked, starts from name, NIK, KK NO, Date of Birth, address, father’s name, mother’s name, and birth/marriage certificate number, etc.

@Dukcapil’s rebuttal is like this:

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Related to the alleged leak of the dukcapil database in breachforums, We are the Directorate General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs together with BSSN and the Ministry of Communication and Information as well stakeholders related activities have carried out 2 activity agendas, namely:
1. Investigative audit, and
2. Preventive mitigation

These two activities have been carried out since yesterday and are still proceeding quickly.

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For the time being, what we can inform you is that the data in breachforums Judging from the format of the data elements, it is not the same as that contained in the population database existing The current Directorate General of Dukcapil.

We are together stakeholders The relevant authorities are still carrying out a more in-depth investigation to handle this matter.

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We express our gratitude for the attention of the public who informed us of the alleged data leak quickly, so that we could immediately carry out an investigation and take follow-up steps.

In connection with the news about the alleged leak of Dukcapil data in the last few days, we convey again that the Directorate General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs, together with BSSN and stakeholders concerned have carried out preventive mitigation and investigative audits quickly, with the following results:

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1. So far, no traces of data leakage have been found in the online Centralized Population Administration Information System (SIAK), which is currently run by the Directorate General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs.

2. The investigative audit process is still ongoing to investigate suspected leaks, including existing databases in districts/cities, as well as preventive mitigation to prevent them in the future.

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Thank You

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