โ Acting Regent of Bangkalan, Dr. Arief M. Edi, M.Si reported performance for three months.
The atmosphere at the Office of the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta, on Monday 8 January 2024, was a silent witness to the presentation of performance achievements which was held directly in front of the assessment team from the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Accompanied by the Bangkalan Regional Dekda and a number of regional officials, Dr. Arief M. Edi, M.Si, with great dedication explained his achievements during his three months of leadership as Acting Regent of Bangkalan.
As a routine stage, assessment and evaluation of Acting. Regional Heads are held every three months through the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, as a form of commitment to maintaining accountability and quality of public services.
Several important points were highlighted in the presentation which became input for the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding policies that need to be implemented in Bangkalan.
These points include:
1. Organizational Simplification
In order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public services, the Ministry of Home Affairs recommends simplifying the organization.
This effort aims to adapt the organizational structure to the demands and needs of society.
2. Asset Structuring
Asset management is the main focus in administrative improvement efforts. By managing assets well, it is hoped that resource utilization can be optimal, and regional financial transparency can be maintained.
3. Recruitment of Civil Servants and P3K in 2024
The Ministry of Home Affairs provides information that in 2024 there will be recruitment of civil servants and first aid workers. For contract workers who are not accepted through this route, it is recommended to use outsourcing so that labor needs can continue to be met.
4. Prohibition on accepting contract workers
As a step to support civil servant and P3K recruitment policies, there is a ban on accepting new contract workers. This is to optimize opportunities for people who are interested in becoming civil servants.
5. Alignment of Supporting Data with the BPJS UHC Program
The Ministry of Home Affairs emphasizes the importance of aligning supporting data with the BPJS Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program. With this alignment, it is hoped that public health programs can run more effectively.
6. Acceleration of Digitalization of Levy Tax Transaction Payments
In facing the digital era, accelerating the digitalization of tax and levy transaction payments is a strategic step.
This not only increases administrative efficiency but also makes it easier for people to pay their tax obligations.
With enthusiasm and commitment, Dr. Arief M. Edi, M.Si, together with the ranks of the Bangkalan Regency Government, are ready to answer challenges and implement recommendations from the Ministry of Home Affairs for the progress and welfare of the people of Bangkalan.
All these efforts are directed at creating better governance and excellent public services.