Optimistic about welcoming 2024, BNI plans to open 2 foreign offices

Optimistic about welcoming 2024, BNI plans to open 2 foreign offices

TheIKNPost.com – BANK Negara Indonesia (BNI) continues to strengthen its existence as a reliable international financial institution.

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This step seems increasingly real with BNI’s plans to open an additional Foreign Office (KLN) in 2024.

Royke Tumilaar, Main Director of BNI, revealed that currently BNI has established the existence of 7 KLNs spread across various cities in the world, such as London, New York, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Amsterdam.

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To expand global coverage, BNI plans to open two new KLNs in the United States (US) and Australia.

“With 7 outlets in 7 countries, we are trying to open one or two more outlets this year, especially in unexplored areas, such as Australia.

“We also hope to get permission to open an outlet in the western region of America in the near future,” said Royke with optimism.

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Royke also explained a number of strategies that have been implemented by BNI to spur international banking growth, including providing financing to key customer segments related to corporate companies and debtor group subsidiaries abroad, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), global MNCs (Multinational Corporations). , and regional.

Furthermore, the company has designed a special financing scheme in the form of a supply chain scheme for the global debtor network, as well as a guaranteed Head Office loan to support the financing of corporate debtors in Indonesia.

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“We have also formed an International Desk unit as a special unit that handles international companies that invest in Indonesia or that already operate in Indonesia,” he explained.

It should be noted that international banking performance remains one of the main pillars of BNI’s business in responding to current global growth opportunities.

Until the third quarter of 2023, KLN BNI succeeded in disbursing credit amounting to IDR 21.77 trillion, recording growth of 10.8% on an annual basis (Year on Year/YoY).

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“With this positive achievement, KLN BNI has provided a strong boost to the performance of the BNI Group as a whole.

“We are optimistic that this credit growth trend will continue to be positive,” said Royke confidently.


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