Net Zero Emission 2060 will be realized if gender mainstreaming in the energy sector is implemented

Net Zero Emission 2060 will be realized if gender mainstreaming in the energy sector is implemented

[bacajuga berdasarkan="category" mulaipos="2" judul="Read too : "] โ€“ Currently the issue of climate change is the focus of world attention. Through the Paris Agreement established at COP-21 in Paris, the world is committed to holding global temperature rise by 2oC and making further efforts to limit it to 1.5oC above the pre-industrial era.

As Indonesia’s commitment to overcoming the threat of climate change caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Indonesia has ratified the Paris Agreement through Law no. 16 of 2016 and outlined climate resilience actions in the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) document. In it, Indonesia targets reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 31.89% with its own efforts, up to 43.20% with international assistance by 2030. Indonesia’s climate commitment was also strengthened at COP-26 in Glasgow by setting a target of achieving Net-Zero Emissions. in 2060 or sooner.

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Supporting this achievement, Srikandi Energi Indonesia held the Srikandi Energi outlook 2024 activity with the theme “energy independence and equal access towards Net zero emissions 2060” in Jakarta.

Present at the activity were Sahid Junaidi, Secretary of the Director General of EBTKE representing the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Hery Haerudi (Vice President of Pertamina Energy Institute), Khoiria Oktaviani (Communication & Public Manager of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), Ugan Gandar (Indonesian Energy Activist), Arie Gumilar (President of the Pertamina Workers Union Federation United).

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Sahid Junaidi said that the large potential for renewable energy in Indonesia needs to involve a balanced role of women and men in realizing energy sovereignty.

“There is a need for collaboration and capacity strengthening between institutions, both government and non-government institutions, in gender analysis and implementation of Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) in the energy sector,” he said.

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Annisa Nuril Deanty conveyed the need for collaboration and strengthening capacity between institutions, both government and non-government institutions in gender analysis and implementation of gender mainstreaming in the energy sector.

“That gender mainstreaming in the energy sector needs to be implemented in all line ministries, starting from planning, budgeting and program implementation, it must look at the aspect of gender equality,” said Annisa.

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Meanwhile, Hery Haerudin is pushing to achieve net zero emissions by 2060, Pertamina is building a new business related to the development of renewable energy.

“For example, EV charging and battery swap, natural based solutions, Blue/Green hydrogen development, battery and EV ecosystem development, Biofuel, integrated CCS/CCUS, and carbon market business,” said Hery.

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Meanwhile, President of the Pertamina Workers Union Federation, Arie Gumilar, said that the energy potential in Indonesia is quite abundant. “Looking at the renewable energy potential data, we only use 0.3% of the existing potential. “Arie also emphasized the same thing, namely that in accelerating the transition, this space must be filled by young people,” concluded Arie

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