Muhammadiyah announces Eid al-Fitr April 10 2024. What is the reference?

Muhammadiyah announces Eid al-Fitr April 10 2024. What is the reference?

JAKARTA: Muhammadiyah Central Leadership announced that Eid al-Fitr 1 Shawwal 1445 H will fall on Wednesday 10 April 2024.

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This decision is based on Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal which is guided by the Tarjih Council and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah.

Based on data quoted in PP Muhammadiyah Declaration Number 1/MLM/I.0/E/2024 concerning Determination of the Results of the Reckoning of Ramadan, Shawwal and Zulhijah 1445 AH, the height of the Moon at sunset on April 9 2024 M in Yogyakarta (-07° 48′ South Latitude and 2 = 110° 21′ East Longitude) +06° 08′ 28″ (hilal already exists), and in Indonesian territory at sunset the Moon is above the horizon.

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In his statement on the YouTube Muhammadiyah Channel, Sunday (7/4/2024), Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir said that Muhammadiyah did not intend to precede anyone with the announcement regarding the determination of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H.

The government is still waiting for the isbat session which will be held by the Ministry of Religion, next Tuesday to determine when Eid al-Fitr 1445 H

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The Ministry of Religion also monitors the new moon or rukyatulhilal in various provinces.

Muhammadiyah, said Haedar, does not want to engage in polemics regarding the date of Eid al-Fitr 1445H.

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In the future, Haedar hopes that there will be a global Hijriyah calendar.

“If this Single Global Hijriyah Calendar (KHGT) is implemented globally, there will no longer be differences in determining crucial months such as Ramadhan, Shawwal and Zulhijjah,” explained Haedar.

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Throughout the last 20 years, Indonesia has celebrated Idul Fitri on different days four times.

These years are 2006, 2007, 2011, and 2023.

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