JAKARTA: – The government through the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has determined that Idul Fitri or 1 Shawwal 1445 Hijriah in Indonesia will fall on Wednesday, April 10 2024.
This determination was based on the results of the Isbat session chaired directly by the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Tuesday afternoon at the Ministry of Religion office.
“It is agreed that 1 Shawwal 1445 Hijriah will fall on Wednesday, April 10 2024,” said Minister of Religion Yaqut in a press conference broadcast live.
The decision came after the Ministry of Religion held a seminar explaining the position of the Hilal delivered by the Ministry of Religion’s Hisab Rukyat Team.
The team has observed the position of the new moon at 127 points in all provinces in Indonesia.
Based on this monitoring, the position of the hilal (new moon) at sunset throughout Indonesia has met the criteria for a minimum height of three degrees and an elongation of 6.4 degrees.
In other words, in accordance with the moon height criteria agreed upon by the Ministers of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (MABIMS).
The results of monitoring the new moon are used as a reference as confirmation of the results of calculating the position of the new moon in determining the start of the Hijriah month.
During the session, the leadership of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Chairman of Commission VIII DPR H. Ashabul Kahfi, and ambassadors from friendly countries were also present.
This decision also means that this year’s Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated on the same date in Indonesia, different from last year.
Previously, the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP) had previously determined that Eid al-Fitr 1 Shawwal 1445 H would fall on Wednesday, April 10 2024.
This decision is based on Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal which is guided by the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of PP Muhammadiyah.
Throughout the last 20 years, Indonesia has celebrated Eid on different days four times, namely in 2006, 2007, 2011 and 2023.
Differences occur because there are differences in the basis of calculations.
Muhammadiyah uses the reckoning method in determining 1 Shawwal. Meanwhile, Nahdlatul Ulama uses the rukyat method.