Jokowi’s National Secretariat Supports Ganjar Pranowo’s Nomination as Presidential Candidate for 2024 Election

Jokowi’s National Secretariat Supports Ganjar Pranowo’s Nomination as Presidential Candidate for 2024 Election โ€“ Jokowi National Secretariat, one of the volunteer elements supporting Joko Widodo, is happy to welcome the assignment of Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

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This decision was directly announced by Megawati Soekarnoputri, as General Chair of the PDI Perjuangan DPP, on Friday (21/4/2023) afternoon at Batutulis Palace, Bogor.

The candidacy declaration was broadcast live on the official PDI Perjuangan YouTube channel and was attended by President Joko Widodo along with high-ranking DPP officials such as Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, two DPP Chairmen Puan Maharani and Prananda Prabowo.

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“President Jokowi’s presence in the declaration is an important note for us, because it shows Pak Jokowi’s loyalty as a PDIP cadre,” said General Chair of Jokowi’s National Secretariat, Rambun Tjajo.

Hearing this decision, Jokowi’s National Secretariat immediately held a meeting of central and regional leaders via video conference on Friday afternoon. “The entire ranks of Jokowi’s National Secretariat welcome and fully support this decision,” said Rambun Tjajo.

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Chairman of Jokowi’s National Secretariat Expert Council, Warsito Ellwein, who accompanied Ganjar Pranowo as Governor of Central Java, said, “Ganjar Pranowo is the right figure to continue Pak Jokowi’s leadership.”

According to him, while leading Central Java Province, Ganjar Pranowo has done many important things that can provide provisions for leading Indonesia in the future.

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This support from Jokowi’s National Secretariat adds weight to support for Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election.

Ganjar Pranowo has received support from various groups, including political parties and community groups who want changes in national leadership.

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