It is certain that the Governor of Jakarta will still be directly elected by the people, only for one round

It is certain that the Governor of Jakarta will still be directly elected by the people, only for one round

JAKARTA: The puzzle over whether the Governor of Jakarta will still be directly elected after moving the capital has finally been answered.

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The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have reached an agreement in discussing the Jakarta Special Region Bill (DKJ).

In a follow-up meeting at the DPR Legislative Body Monday (18 March) chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Suhajar Diantoro, both parties agreed that the governor of Jakarta would still be elected directly through regional head elections (pilkada), even though Jakarta’s status was no longer as capital. city, CNN Indonesia reported.

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The government emphasizes that direct election by the people is the highest form of respect for regional aspirations in implementing democratic principles.

The positions of governor and deputy governor are leaders elected by the people, and therefore, should not be appointed by other parties.

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The winner of the Jakarta regional election is decided by the person who gets the most votes in one round. The government and DPR have agreed to abolish the two-round system currently implemented.

This means the winner does not have to meet the previous requirement of 50 percent of the vote plus one.

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The government also submitted a request to remove the clause that allows direct appointment by the President of the DKJ governor and deputy governor, as stated in the DKJ Bill proposed by the DPR RI Article 10 paragraph (2).

The governor and deputy governor of DKJ will serve for a period of 5 years and have the right to be re-elected for an additional term of office, Suharjo was quoted as saying by Vivanews.

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