Fat after marriage? Check out these tips for staying thin even if you like eating and don’t like exercising

Fat after marriage?  Check out these tips for staying thin even if you like eating and don’t like exercising


According to another study, happy couples may be less motivated to maintain an ideal body weight, because after getting married, they feel they no longer have to attract their partner’s interest.

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“It’s very nice if partners feel trusted and bonded with their partner, so they can enjoy their relationship without worrying about their ideal body weight according to society’s expectations,” said Dr. Chow.

Interestingly, newlyweds who are young and admit that they are not very satisfied with their relationship tend to experience weight loss. So, perhaps it is true that weight gain can be linked to happiness in a relationship.

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On the other hand, if we marry a partner who has a healthy lifestyle, it can make us more enthusiastic about becoming healthier.

“A healthy partner can influence and motivate their partner to change their lifestyle,” said Associate Professor Asim Shabbir, director of the National University Hospital (NUH) Center for Obesity Management and Surgery.

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However, “if both parties do not adopt a healthy lifestyle, it is possible that both will become obese,” said Assoc Prof Shabbir, who also serves as head and senior consultant at the NUH Department of Surgery.


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