Erick Thohir Appreciates BNI’s Achievements in Realizing Green Buildings at PIK 2

Erick Thohir Appreciates BNI’s Achievements in Realizing Green Buildings at PIK 2 – Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, expressed his appreciation to PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI for its success in designing and building offices with a green building concept in the Central Business District (CBD) area of ​​Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) 2, Tangerang, Banten – Friday (23/2/2024).

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The construction of this building, which replaces more than 10,000 square meters of land, is considered a prominent achievement as a result of collaboration between two state-owned companies, BNI and PT Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk (PP), together with a private company, PT Agung Sedayu Group, which is a well-known property developer in Indonesia. especially in the PIK 2 area.

Erick Thohir stated, “The BNI building at PIK has a very interesting office center concept, which is the best green building owned by BNI. “Thank you also to PP, one of the BUMNs that is able to produce the best works.”

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According to Erick, the BNI Building at PIK 2 will be a modern office complex with various complete facilities to meet the standards of professional workers. “Later this will be made into a complex, there will be a BNI office and service office, as well as premium facilities for customers, and also retail space,” he said.

Royke Tumilaar, Main Director of BNI, also explained that the construction of this new building aims to provide wider space for employees. He added that this development will support larger business growth trends, so that it can improve the company’s overall performance and productivity.

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“Hopefully with the construction of the new building, friends will be even more productive because the place is better, the growth will also be greater,” concluded Royke.


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