Eleven Signs People Are Lying | MATRA Magazine Convergence

Eleven Signs People Are Lying |  MATRA Magazine Convergence


Sometimes we know that the person we are talking to is lying. But we are often “forbidden” to have bad prejudices. Finally, our brain compromises and tries to find things that justify the person we are talking to. Positive thinking, a plural term used to describe this symptom.

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“Benefit of the doubt,” in English. If you just doubt the truth of someone’s words, be big and just accept what someone said as the truth.

This condition is also known (of course) to the liars. They take advantage of other people’s unease (to question something) to carry out their lies. After all, if the lie is finally revealed, the perpetrator will have gone far away carrying the lie. All that remains is for the victim of the liar to reflect and regret: “Why didn’t I trust my instincts which were suspicious of this liar from the start.”

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Forensic psychologists actually have a list of behaviors and signs that someone is lying or not. A research conducted by Dr. Leanne Brinke and colleagues from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley confirmed that our instincts originating from the subconscious are often accurate. It’s just that our rationality in the conscious world “pretends to know” and puts the brakes on so that these instincts don’t spread.

Luckily there are signs in a person’s behavior that can indicate whether he is lying or not. In his book entitled “The Body Language of Liars” Dr. Lillian Glass identified eleven behaviors that could be considered signs of lying. Of course, to know whether someone is lying or not, we also have to know how they act under normal conditions.

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“When trying to figure out if someone is lying, you first need to understand how the person normally acts.” After that, continued Dr Glass, we must really pay attention to all facial expressions, body language and speech patterns. Significant deviations in all of these things can be the basis for judging whether or not you are lying.

Signs of Lies

1. Change head position instantly

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If a person moves his head suddenly when we ask him something, it could be that he is covering something up. The movement can include the head being pulled suddenly backwards. It could also suddenly happen that the person concerned looks down. Or the head is made to tilt. All these types of movements are done right after the question is asked.

2. The breathing rhythm changes

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People who are lying usually start to breathe rather deeply. It’s a reflex action because their bodies are starting to lack oxygen. This is because the heart beats faster as a result of the perpetrator feeling anxious, depressed and tense because (is) lying. These things can actually be seen directly without having to use special measuring tools.

3. Stand up straight, almost stiff

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Anxious people often make anxious movements when standing. People who lie actually stand very straight and barely move. This seems to be a response from the primitive human instinct to “flight or fight” whenever faced with a serious threat. A frozen-stiff standing posture (near-catatonic state) is a clear indication that something is wrong with this person’s speech. Lying is one of them.

4. Repetition of words or phrases

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Repetition of words or phrases occurs because the person who lies is trying to convince other people or themselves of the truth of what they are saying (lies). “I didn’t… I didn’t…!” Repetition is also a technique to buy time while he thinks of other things that could strengthen his lie.

5. Presenting excessive information

If someone provides too much information, either unnecessary or unasked for, then we should immediately suspect that something important is being covered up. The liar hopes that excessive information will cover up certain lies. He also hopes that people who hear it will be impressed by the amount of information so that they think the person giving the information is an honest and open person.

6. Touching or covering the mouth

One sign that someone is lying is when their hand suddenly covers their mouth before answering a question. This movement is actually a sign that the person does not want to discuss the problem being asked. The lie can be a total or partial lie, aka not giving correct information in its entirety.

7. Cover sensitive parts of the body

The action of covering the mouth in point 7 is usually followed by other automatic movements in the form of covering other parts of the body that are classified as sensitive. The parts most often covered include the throat, chest and stomach. Throat because the front of this organ is really sensitive.

If you press hard, the flow of air the body inhales is blocked; people can die because of it. The chest because this is where the heart is located; our vital engine. And the stomach, because when people are attacked they are often punched in this area. In this way, sharp questions are usually repelled by these reflex movements as the liar acts (lies).

8. Shuffling the legs (walking in place)

If someone keeps moving their legs while talking as if they are going to walk (even though they are staying in place), it could be that they are lying. Foot movements like that are a sign that the person is actually uncomfortable (with lying).

He wants to get out and/or leave the situation (by swinging his legs, walking away). Without realizing it, that person’s body has expressed clearly what was implied in his mind.

9. It becomes increasingly difficult to speak clearly

When people who are known to be guilty are interrogated, they often have difficulty speaking. This happens because our body’s autonomic nervous system reduces saliva production in the mouth when we are stressed/tense.

This of course makes speaking even more difficult because the person’s mouth suddenly dries up. Drying of the mouth is usually accompanied by the movement of biting the lips or folding them in (the mouth).

10. Glaring without blinking

When people give false information, they often turn their eyes to another angle so that eye contact between the questioner and the answerer is lost. For those whose lying skills have been honed, this is avoided because it is too obvious.

Everyone already knows this trend. To convince the person they are talking to, they (liars) will actually glare at the person they are talking to. His eye contact was intense without blinking.

In fact, this is a sign of a lie. Normal people will occasionally break eye contact. If someone stares continuously without once taking their gaze from the eyes of the person they are talking to, they are definitely lying while trying to convince the person they are talking to.

11. Hands point a lot

This is the way the person who is lying can control the situation and intimidate the person they are talking to: by pointing a lot. The hand movement is a symbol of his aggressiveness towards the questioner, who he considers a threat to him. He felt threatened because he felt that his lies were slowly starting to be peeled away. The act of pointing is a substitute for his desire to poke you, the nosy questioner. Beware.


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