Photos demonstrated by models
TheIKNPost.com — One of the great things about mobile phones is their ability to break through communication time and space barriers.
Wherever, whenever, you can be contacted and contacted as far as reach allows. And, of course, as long as the phone is in hand.
Even though this small object provides so much convenience, cell phone manners remain.
In addition, mobile phones, aka hand phones (HP) or cell phones (cell phones), are not just a means of communication, but also a means of socialization.
In terms of etiquette, the basic rules for using a cell phone are, in fact, the same as using a regular telephone.
One of the obstacles that we often encounter in Indonesia is that people do not use their cell phones properly.
Cell phones are used as tools for controlling, gossiping, and talking in public places loudly, turned on at formal events, and so on.
This behavior is not in accordance with good manners or proper benefits.
Now you imagine. Someone is marrying off his daughter. In the middle of such a solemn event, suddenly the telephone rang and the guest spoke loudly, disrupting the sacred atmosphere that was taking place. Doesn’t the host feel like he’s been slapped in the face?”
Thus, knowledge of the procedures is very necessary to avoid wrong attitudes that will actually cause embarrassment.
Don’t like to attract other people’s attention at all costs.
Here are tips for using a cell phone, according to Jojo Media Coach.
•Use only on occasions that are absolutely necessary.
Use a cellphone, for example to contact someone who is not there. If it concerns someone you don’t know, contact the secretary first.
Ask whether the person you want to contact can be contacted via cell phone. Because, basically, a cell phone is something that is personal.
•Pay attention to when using your cellphone.
We often see annoying incidents related to the behavior of people using cell phones. They keep their phones on on formal occasions such as wedding ceremonies, mourning ceremonies, opera performances or theater performances.
•Turn off your phone when entertaining people.
This etiquette is often forgotten these days, both at business and private meals.
Just leave the phone with a secretary or driver, or someone you can trust to receive and record important messages.
However, if the situation really forces you to take the phone with you and a phone call does come in, run for a while to a quiet corner.
Then, speak as necessary in a voice that doesn’t attract people’s attention.
•Don’t talk for too long.
Basically, telephone calls must be short, clear and accurate.
So, you should use it for no more than five minutes, unless there is something very important or you are in an area where there are really no other means of communication.
Because the burden of cell phone credit is not only borne by those who call, but also by those who receive it.
•When Contacting Important People.
Check first, can you contact the figure directly? If necessary, WhatsApp as a code to call the person concerned.
If you already have his telephone number, it’s still best to contact his closest assistant first, whether his secretary or his assistant.
This way, the character will be better prepared to accept and discuss the problems you are going to raise.
It is also important to note, when talking, we can ask whether we are allowed to contact him directly on another occasion if there is something really important,
The important note is, have cell phone without the knowledge to use it, it is the same as eating at an official banquet without knowing the rules of the game.
Judging from its benefits, cell phones are great. But, you don’t need to feel great when using it.
Because, even among us, let alone executives, butchers or greengrocers are used to chatting via cell phone.