– Indonesia continues to be active in various activities in international forums, especially for the ASEAN Sub-Regional area, through agendas Growth Triangle (GT) for three countries consisting of: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand (IMT), known as IMT-GT.
Refer to the forum agenda IMT-GT which has been agreed upon by the three countriesWorking Group on Human Resource Development (WGHRD), Strategic Framework Implementation Blueprint (IB) 2022-2026, The Indonesian delegation and the Malaysian delegation were specifically invited by the Royal Thai Government to discuss the academic quality management system and harmonization of skills education standards Traditional Message and Spa which will be held in Bangkok on March 13-14 2024.
The purpose of holding this activity is to exchange information and experiences about Academic Quality Management System (AQMS) and harmonization of skills standards in skills education programs Traditional Message and Spa, between each participant from the three countries.
Syamsi Hari, Chairman of BNSP assigned Amilin, one of the BNSP Commissioners, accompanied by Elviandi RS, Certification Coordinator of the BNSP Secretariat, to attend and contribute to this important meeting.
The Indonesian delegation, led by Amilin, who is currently still listed as a Professor at FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In his speech, Amilin stated that “the results to be achieved from this activity are expected to realize harmonization of skill standards and understanding on academic quality management systems in these three countries, especially in managing skills education programs for the field of traditional message and Spa”.
“In the future, it is hoped that there will be mutual recognition of professional competence for workers who work in this professional field, and will be allowed to work and pursue careers across countries in the ASEAN Sub-Regional region,” said Amilin.
Participants who attended this activity forum, apart from BNSP as an element of the Indonesian Government, were also present from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. Meanwhile, representation from the Thai Government who attended included: Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Department of Skill Development (DSD), Ministry of Labor of Thailand.
Participants attending from non-government associations/sectors included: (1) the Bali Spa and Wellness Association (BSWA); (2) Indonesian Spa Association; (3) the Association of Malaysian Spas (AMSPA); And Malaysia Association of Wellness Trainers (WAMT).