Association of Indonesian Catholic Universities Discusses the Latest Disruptive Era and Mental Fragility on Campus

Association of Indonesian Catholic Universities Discusses the Latest Disruptive Era and Mental Fragility on Campus

THE IKN POST — Association of Indonesian Catholic Universities Discusses the Latest Disruptive Era and Mental Fragility on Campus

A total of 22 Catholic education foundations throughout Indonesia which manage 23 Catholic universities which are members of the Association of Catholic Universities (APTIK) held their 41st congress in Jakarta.

In the congress which took place from 21-23 March 2024, one of the main discussions was the emergence of the new paradigm “BANI” (Brittle, Anxiety, Non-Linear, and Illusion of predictability) which replaced the old concept of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) as the latest disruptive era.

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Congress also highlighted the significant impact of the teaching curriculum on the spread of the phenomenon of mental fragility on campus. The Indonesian Catholic University Atma Jaya Jakarta hosted this congress which also coincided with APTIK’s 40th anniversary.

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During this celebration, the Archbishop of Jakarta, Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo opened the event with a Eucharistic Celebration. Chairman of APTIK, Prof. Dr. BS Kusbiantoro, stated that apart from discussing the latest disruption era phenomena, the congress also raised a number of other serious issues such as intensive collaboration on a wider scale and the implementation of dual degree programs with well-known foreign universities.

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The VUCA paradigm that dominates global thinking has shifted to the BANI paradigm since 2020 as a result of the influence of globalization which has created widespread complexity and uncertainty in the world. The concepts of Brittle, Anxiety, Non-Linear, and Illusion of Predictability from BANI give rise to a new view of the power and control of institutions that were previously considered strong.

Kusbiantoro emphasized the need for APTIK to anticipate mental fragility which is increasingly widespread on campuses at home and abroad. The anxiety, depression and suicide that occur are part of the illusion of control.

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Chairman of the Atma Jaya Foundation, Linus M. Setiadi, highlighted the importance of collaboration on a wider scale, both within APTIK, the government and the industrial world, to answer the challenges faced.

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Chancellor of the Indonesian Catholic University Atma Jaya, Prof. Dr. Dr. Yuda Turana, Sp.S(K), also provided his support for collaboration and synergy between APTIK members to produce graduates who are academically intelligent, professional and caring.

Through this congress, APTIK is committed to growing together and producing graduates who have strong character and make the best contribution to the nation and state.

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APTIK at a Glance: The Association of Catholic Universities (APTIK) is a cooperative institution between Catholic higher education administrators which was founded in 1984. Currently, APTIK has 22 member universities spread throughout Indonesia. The APTIK Congress was first held in 1983 in Surabaya, and the 41st congress in 2024 will be held in Jakarta.

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