Alert! Threatening New Fraud Mode

Alert!  Threatening New Fraud Mode – Alert! Threatening New Fraud Mode

As technology develops, fraud methods also become more sophisticated and disturbing. Fraudsters use various new methods to steal your data and money.

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The bitter experience experienced by our friend recently is a valuable lesson for all of us. Let’s look further to avoid the fraud traps that have just emerged.

Recently, a friend experienced a surprising incident. His son received a money transfer of Rp. 20 million into his account without the family’s knowledge.

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Of course, this caused confusion and suspicion, because no one admitted to having made the transfer.

In a situation like this, it is natural to assume that a transfer error occurred.

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However, the next day, the child received a call from someone claiming to be the owner of the transferred money.

He apologized for causing trouble and begged for his money to be returned. The child is willing to return the money and visits the bank for the return process.

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However, when the bank officer asked whether the purpose of the transfer was for their family, the child answered that no, because someone made the wrong transfer to him.

So, the bank officer stopped the transaction process and checked the origin of the money entering the child’s account.

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When an inspection was carried out, it turned out that the money was not the result of a transfer error. The bank officer explained that the money came from an online loan. The surprising thing is that the child never made any transactions with the online loan at all.

From this incident, we learn that a new mode of fraud has emerged. Fraudsters steal your personal data and use it to carry out online loan transactions.

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If you return money that is actually the result of an online loan to a fraudster, then you will be the one who has to pay the debt to the online lending institution.

Therefore, it is very important to always be alert to various developing modes of fraud.

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Don’t easily believe calls or messages that ask you to transfer money without careful verification.

Make sure to always check and confirm every financial transaction made.

Share this information with your family, friends and relatives. The more people who know about this new mode of fraud, the less likely the fraudsters are to succeed.

Let’s together maintain the security of our finances and personal data from the lurking threat of fraud. Be careful and alert!


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