Ahead of Eid, the Minister of Transportation asked to go home early and not use motorbikes

Ahead of Eid, the Minister of Transportation asked to go home early and not use motorbikes

JAKARTA: Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi called on the public to start their Eid 2024 homecoming journey early.

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This step was taken in anticipation of possible traffic congestion.

“Regarding the peak of homecoming which has been conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture starting from D-4, however on days 4, 3, 2, 1, the number of people going home will be very high,” said Budi to Kumparan after attending the Traffic Coordination Meeting Ketupat Operations Sector 2024 at the Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta, Monday (25 March).

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“Therefore, we urge some children who are already on holiday to start their homecoming journey earlier,” he added.

The government predicts that the peak return flow for Idul Fitri 1445 H will occur on April 5-7 2024, while the peak return flow is expected to occur on April 14-15 2024.

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The number of homecoming travelers this year is estimated to reach 193.6 million people, an increase of around 60 percent compared to the previous year which was only 123.8 million people.

The Minister of Transportation also advised the public not to go home using motorbikes.

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The public, said the 67 year old minister, can take advantage of the free homecoming program organized by several ministries and institutions.

“We urge you not to go home by motorbike, because it is very dangerous. Moreover, the National Police, BUMN and TNI have provided many free homecoming programs, let’s use them wisely,” he concluded.

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Chairman of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Tory Damantoro emphasized that if there is no equal distribution of homecoming and return trips, it is feared that homecoming travelers will not be accommodated by the existing road capacity.

This is caused by an imbalance between the available road infrastructure capacity and the number of users when peak traffic flows occur

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“We have been pushing for this for two years. The government has done this during the 2023 homecoming period, by dividing the holiday schedule so that they do not coincide,” said Tory.


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